How We Can Help You
We’re here to support you every step of the way, whether you need us to curate an event from scratch or to connect the dots as you put your own together. From completely online events to post-pandemic hybrids, we’ve got you covered. Simply tell us what you require, and our experienced event team will devise the best strategy for making your event a smashing success.
We can assist you not only with on-site support, but also with bringing your speakers and other supporting staff up to speed with the event requirements, as we understand that it can be time consuming and difficult to educate third parties on how to coordinate with an event.
Our job is to make your job as stress-free as possible so you can focus on what you do best.
It is critical to maintaining collaboration and communication among all parties involved in events, such as speakers, emcees, technical support teams, and the audience. Our strict guidelines and protocols ensure that we meet the highest standards of any type of event, be it physical, virtual or hybrid.
With vast experience in the PR and event management sectors, we can deliver effective communication in a reasonable period of time, ensuring hybrid events run smoothly while reaching the objectives of all parties involved.
We are experts in leveraging media coverage and social media engagement in order to maximize the results of our events.
实在是很难找到一个司仪可以同时兼任主持,协调人员,翻译,演说训练以及具备技术知识,可以指导技术员,设计讲词,筹划现场及网络活动。 Melody让我知道如何透过开拓网络活动新世界来熬过新冠肺炎的艰难时期。
Melody 教晓我深入思考我的观众群需要什么,如何在较长的网络交流时间中有效沟通,因为网络观众教难与我互动。她的团队能够遥距指引我设定网路设备,避免突发故障发生。
「你无法想像Melody 有多机智,她能够应付所有在网络活动中突如其来的事件。她是一个以笑容,热情和正能量来面对挑战的天才。」